
English translation coming soon…

Official association rules are mandated by the Finish Patent and Registration Office. Find the official rules  on the Finnish version of this page(In Finnish)
Below is an unofficial, loose translation

The Polytech Diving Club Kupla
Loosely translated rules

1 SECTION Name, domicile, purpose and forms of activity

1. The association is called Polyteknikkojen Sukelluskerho Kupla ry. These rules refer to it as the association.  The domicile of the association is Espoo.

2. The purpose of the Association is to promote and advance the hobbies of diving and underwater rugby as well as raising interests in underwater technology and its developments among Aalto University students, technical students, and residents of Espoo.

3. To fulfill this purpose, the association organises meetings, training events and diving and underwater rugby activities.

4. To fund its activities, the association may perform small jobs, organise events and gatherings, and receive donations.

2 SECTION Members and fees

5. The association has student (varsinainen), graduated (vanha), external (ulko), support (kannatus) and honorary (kunnia) members. The board of the association accepts members. Honorary members are invited by the association meeting.

6. Any person, intereseted in the association’s activities and a member of The Aalto University Student Union, can be assepted as a student member.

7. Any person, interseted in the Association’s activities and previously a member of the Aalto University Student Union or its predecessor the Student Union of the Helsinki University of Technology, can be accpted as a graduated member.

8. Any person, interested in the associations activities and not elligible for student or graduated member status, can be accpted as a external member.

9. A person or legal entity can be accpted as a support member of the club

10. A person especially distinguished in the associations activities or who has in other ways notably advanced the purposes of the club can be invited as a honorary member of the club by the association meeting with a three querter majority. Proposals to the association meeting can be given by the board or a group of ten association members.

11. The association must keep a register of all its members.

12. Excluding honorary members, all members are to pay a membership fee to the association. The membership fee is for one calendar year at a time. The membership fee is set by the association meeting for student, graduated, and external members. The membership fee for support members is set by the board.

13. A member can end their membership by written notice to the president or board of the association or to the association meeting. The board may end the membership of a member that has failed to pay their membership fee one year after the due date. The association meeting may end the membership of a member that has has caused financial or other harm to the association with their actions.

14. Members are required to notify the board of changes to their Aalto University Student Union membership status.

3 SECTION Association meetings Kerhon kokoukset

15. The annual meeting, the election meeting, and additional meetings are association meetings.

16. The board must call a meeting at least seven days in advance by notifying members by email.

17. The annualmeeting must be held by the end of February and must discuss at least:

1) annual report from the previous year
2) financial report and statement from the previous year
3) report from the auditors
4) accepting the financial statement
5) releasing the accountables from liability
6) plan of action and budget for the upcoming year prepared by the board.

18. The election must be held in November and must discuss at least:

1) Electing a president and 4-6 board members for the following year
2) the association membership fees for the following year
3) electing two auditors and their personal substitutesfor the following year.

19. The association will gather for an additional meeting when needed or if requested by 1/10th of the associations members that are entitled to vote or if requested by 10 or more members that are entitled to vote. If requested, the meeting must be held within three weeks of giving notice to the board.

20. The meeting decisions are valid if the meeting was called according to the rules.

21. All student and graduated members (Varsinainen & Vanha) have the right to vote in association meetings. Other members have the right to speak and present. Voting is not possible by proxy.

22. Unless otherwise determined by these rules, all votes are by simple majority. In the case of a draw, the chairpersons vote breaks the draw. In elections a tie is broken at random.

4 SECTION The Board and officials of the association

23. A board elected for one calendar year is responsible for the association. The board is comprised of a president and a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 other members.

24. The board is responsible for:

1) leading the association as described in articles 26 and 27
2) preparing the items on the agenda for association meetings and seeing to the fullfillment of decisions made in association meetings
3) accepting membership applications
4) overseeing the associations financials and tend to its assets
5) preparing proposals for the annual report and financial statement of the previous year and the plan of action and budget for the upcoming year
6) calling together the association meetings
7) appoint officials for the association. The term for officials is set by the board but can be the same as for the board at a maximum

25. The board appoints a vice president, secretary, treasurer and a diving master from board members

26. Board meetings are called at the request of the president or, if they are not able, the vice president. A board meeting may also be called at the request of 2 board members. The president acts as the speaker on board meetings and represents the association unless otherwise decided by the board. The vice president takes over the duties of the president if they are not available. The secretary compiles the minutes for each board meeting and is responsible for the member register, announcements to members and archiving material. The treasurer is responsible for handling the financial matters and assets of the association as well as drafting proposals for the financial statement and budget. The diving master is responsible for organizing sports and training activities.

27. Kerhon hallitus on kokouksissaan päätösvaltainen, jos kaikille sen jäsenille on tiedotettu kokouksesta ja puheenjohtajan tai tämän estyneenä ollessa varapuheenjohtajan lisäksi läsnä on vähintään kaksi (2) hallituksen jäsentä. Päätökset tehdään yksinkertaisella ääntenenemmistöllä. Jos äänet jakaantuvat tasan, ratkaisee puheenjohtajan ääni, paitsi vaaleissa arpa.

28. Kerhon nimen kirjoittaa joko puheenjohtaja yhdessä jonkun muun hallituksen jäsenen kanssa tai varapuheenjohtaja yhdessä jonkun muun hallituksen jäsenen kanssa tai puheenjohtaja ja varapuheenjohtaja yhdessä.

29. Kerho ja hallitus voi erityisiä tehtäviä varten asettaa toimikuntia tai toimihenkilöitä. Tällöin on myös määrättävä niiden toimikausien pituudet.

30. Perustellusta syystä voi kerhon kokous vapauttaa luottamushenkilön kesken toimikauttaan, tällöin kokouskutsussa on mainittava asiasta. Vapautetun tai vapautettujen tilalle tulee kerhon valita samassa kokouksessa uusi jäsen tai uudet jäsenet jäljellä olevaksi toimikaudeksi.

5 LUKU Hallinto ja talous

31. Kerhon toimi- ja tilikausi on kalenterivuosi. Kerhon hallintoa ja taloutta valvovat kaksi
toiminnantarkastajaa tai heidän ollessa estyneitä heidän varamiehensä.

32. Kerhon tilit on toimitettava toiminnantarkastajille vähintään kuukautta ennen vuosikokousta ja muutenkin pyydettäessä. Toiminnantarkastajien on toimitettava tilit tarkastettuina hallitukselle viimeistään neljätoista (14) päivää ennen vuosikokousta.

6 LUKU Erityisiä määräyksiä

33. Kerhon tunnuksista ja merkeistä päättää kerhon kokous.

34. Muutoksia näihin sääntöihin voidaan tehdä, jos muutosesitys on tullut hyväksytyksi vähintään kolmen neljäsosan (3/4) äänienemmistöllä kahdessa peräkkäisessä kerhon kokouksessa, joiden väli on vähintään kaksi (2) viikkoa. Muutosesitys on mainittava kokouskutsussa. Muutosehdotuksen voi tehdä kerhon hallitus tai vähintään kymmenen (10) kerhon jäsentä käsittävä ryhmä kirjallisesti hallitukselle. Jäsenten tekemä ehdotus on käsiteltävä seuraavassa kerhon kokouksessa.

35. Kerho purkautuu, jos kerho tekee siitä päätöksen kolmen neljäsosan (3/4) ääntenenemmistöllä kahdessa peräkkäisessä kerhon kokouksessa, joiden väli on vähintään yksi (1) kuukausi.

36. Purkautumisesitys on mainittava kokouskutsussa. Kerhon purkauduttua tai sen tultua lakkautetuksi luovutetaan varat Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunnalle käytettäväksi sukellusurheilun ja vedenalaisen teknologian tunnetuksi tekemiseen Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijoiden ja teekkarien keskuudessa. Nämä säännöt on hyväksytty yhdistyksen kokouksessa marraskuussa 2011 ja uudelleen joulukuussa 2011.

PRH on hyväksynyt säännöt alkuvuodesta 2012.